Hi team,

I noticed that regex patterns in "Response Assertions" using "(?i)" and "(?-i)" 
to enable / disable case insensitive matching for certain parts of the regex 
pattern don't work as they're supposed to.
For example the regex "(?i)apple(?-i) Pie" does NOT match "ApPLe Pie", even 
though it should according to JMeter documentation, see 

Looks like that particular regex feature in Response Assertions has never 
worked as documented. Unfortunately, that part of JMeter uses the old Jakarta 
ORO regex parser (https://jakarta.apache.org/oro/) which was retired in 2010, 
so it won't be fixed there. I guess JMeter would have to replace the old ORO 
regex parser with Java's built-in regex implementation - which is used in other 
places like the "View Results Tree" listener "find" function BTW.

I've filed a bug (https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65883), but I 
was asked to take the issue to the mailing list, because switching from ORO 
regex parser to Java regex parser will certainly cause some existing regex's to 
behave differently. Nevertheless, IMHO it would be a good idea to remove the 
ORO parser from JMeter with the next major release (6.0) - if only because 
using an abandoned library in your application is never a good thing for 
obvious reasons.

Any thoughts on this?


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