Hi Mozhdeh,
As you can see from the pipeline.pl source [0], you are required to
override the '-tmp' flag [1] on the pipeline.pl execution.
I would highly encourage you to also scope out the entire parameter and
flag options to geta better feel for the pipeline execution.


On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 10:53 AM, <
user-digest-h...@joshua.incubator.apache.org> wrote:

> From: Mozhdeh Gheini <ghe...@isi.edu>
> To: "user@joshua.incubator.apache.org" <user@joshua.incubator.apache.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 18:52:55 +0000
> Subject: Hadoop tmp Directory Issue
> Hi,
> I'm working with joshua on a grid computing system. The problem I face is
> that although I modify hadoop.tmp.dir and set it to the temporary directory
> assigned to me, Hadoop still ends up in /tmp. This causes serious problems
> because the next user that wants to run joshua and is assigned to the same
> machine that I was on, is not the owner of /tmp/hadoop which was created
> during my last run and cannot proceed. In a nutshell, Hadoop doesn't end up
> where it's supposed to.
> This is the command that gets run:
> hadoop jar /nas/home/gheini/libs/joshua/thrax/bin/thrax.jar -D
> hadoop.tmp.dir=/lfs_ssd/uge-tmpdir/138005.1.all.q -D
> mapreduce.task.timeout=0 -D mapreduce.child.java.opts='-
> Djava.io.tmpdir=/lfs_ssd/uge-tmpdir/138005.1.all.q' -D
> mapreduce.map.java.opts='-Xmx4g' -D mapreduce.reduce.java.opts='-Xmx4g'
> thrax-phrase.conf 
> pipeline-es-en-phrase-_nas_home_gheini_experiments_joshua_tmp_setting_test_2
> > thrax.log 2>&1; rm -f grammar grammar.gz; hadoop fs -cat
> pipeline-es-en-phrase-_nas_home_gheini_experiments_
> joshua_tmp_setting_test_2/final/* | gzip -cd |
> /nas/home/gheini/libs/joshua/scripts/training/filter-rules.pl -t 100 |
> gzip -9n > grammar.gz
> I'm using Hadoop 3.0.0. I think something is happening within Thrax but
> cannot figure it out. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help.
> Thanks,
> Mozhdeh


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