On 26/11/17 07:47, Steinar Bang wrote:
Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:
The generate-descriptor MOJO (or if you use the feature packaging)
will create a feature.xml.

But what he was saying, was that the generate-descriptor doesn't use
from the karaf-maven-plugin <configuration> as dependencies.

It only uses those dependencies found in a template.xml.

And since I prefer to have all of the config in the POM instead of some
in the POM and some in a different place, I thought that was a good

The OP offered to make a PR for the change.

- Steinar


Yes that is what I meant, I have to use a template to create a features.xml. 
I've looked at the code for GenerateDescriptorMojo and searched the Karaf 
source for an example of what I need but couldn't find anything.

Using the template technique I've also discovered that when I deployed my 
feature it can fail. For example if I have 3 of my bundles A, B and C in the 
feature such that:

 B depends on a service from C and A depends on B

deployment can fail due to a required service from C not being available 
'in-time' for B - I think that's what happening. If I deploy the bundles 
individually everything works. I'll try playing around with it but this is 
obviously nothing to do with the GenerateDescriptorMojo.


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