I cannot answer your specific question. But I can tell you I have been using
jersey 1.6 and now 1.8 in karaf with no problems. I never got resteasy to
work in karaf.
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I have discovered the problem. Actually it is 2 issues, one is with
webconsole and the other is with wrap. I am still not sure about
start-priority, but I think lower number means lower priority.
The problem with webconsole is that it times out. If you click on load a
feature that takes a whil
I take it that if you say a feature is dependent on another feature then the
dependent feature is loaded after the feature it depends on is completely
loaded? Can you specify a start-level for a feature?
Also, for bundle start-level, is a higher number higher load priority or
lower load priority?
I figured out that wasn't a proper bundle. All I had to do was wrap it to
fix the problem.
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I should have said, there is no exception when I copy it into the deploy
directory. I am trying to make a feature out of stuff that definitely
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The mgmt bundle is one I build and the core bundle is a dependency that
maven sucked in. The naming all looks right according to the layout of the
maven repository. I get a null pointer when insta
Thanks for you input. It got me to do some more experimentation.
corresponds to "web application context name" in the log
file. You can in fact deploy multiple wars that have different
seems to have no have no effect in the standard karaf-jetty
setup. I have seen it in several pom.xml fil
I am hoping someone can shed light on what is going on here. Thanks for any
If I drop A.war into karaf/deploy it works fine. If I then remove A.war and
put B.war into karaf/deploy it also works as expected. But if I drop A.war
in and then B.war in, only A.war becomes active.
Ok, I am making progress on this. Still haven't got it to work, but I am
farther. Wanted to follow up so no one puts much thought into my previous
post. The following issue was why I was having this error:
1. drop B.jar that exports package b and imports package c into deploy
2. drop A.jar that
I started over with clean karaf to show exactly what happens.
1. features:install war
2. drop resteasy-jaxrs.jar (bundle) into karaf/deploy/
All imports are resolved cleanly. The exports include:
I left out that I have the war, jetty, and http features installed already
when that happens.
If I don't put any jars in the lib directory I get NoClassDefFoundError(s).
For instance, I just took servlet-api jar out of there and then got this:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/H
Because I couldn't get war to work I was trying to get the HttpService and
add my servlet to it directly. It has 2 problems. 1. it goes into a
strange binding/unbinding loop. 2. only some of the expected output is
printed to the output. Why does it loop? Why isn't there more output?
Code is a
I am new to this OSGi stuff and karaf, and I could really use some help
getting started.
I am trying to deploy a war bundle that uses resteasy servlet. Here are
steps I took:
1. installed karaf 2.2.1 on linux ubuntu machine, latest java, latest
2. built hello.war with MANIFEST.MF head
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