
I want to announce the availability of version 1.5 of the ECF grpc remote services distribution provider [1].

What this does is allow remote services developers to use grpc and protocol buffers to implement and export OSGi Remote Services.  Given a proto3-defined service, it's easy to

a) generate java service API (i.e. service interface + all referenced classes) directly from a protofile using protoc and protoc plugins.

b) generate abstract impl and stub classes...again from the protofile

c) Do the generation for either unary *or streaming* services. New with v1.5:  Support for reactivex 3 and/or reactivex 2.

d) Use ECF's spec-compliant of OSGi Remote Service Admin to export, publish, discover, and import as OSGi Remote Services.

e) Since grpc jars are not proper OSGi bundles, we've created 'wrapped' versions of these jars (see bundle/plugins on [1]) for grpc and deps)

For videos and complete example projects see the on [1].

There is a Karaf features repo for karaf usage defined here [2]




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