You should run the clusterdump on 
/home/r9r/seqTest/seqKmeans/clusters-1-final/part-xxxxx to see the points that 
are in the cluster.
But u need a dictionary for that which wouldn't be available if the vectors 
were generated from CSV.

So one way to generate a dictionary for a CSV and verify the clustering output 
would be to go through the below process :-

1. Convert CSV file to a lucene index (see for sample code).
2. Run the lucene index from (1) through Mahout's lucene2seq utility - this 
converts the lucene indexes into sequencefiles
3. Run the output of (2) thru seq2sparse - this should generate tf-idf vectors, 
dictionary, tf-vectors, wordcounts
4. Run the output of (3) thru KMeans Driver.

Please give this a try.

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:33 PM, "Allen, Ronald L." <> 

I have done something wrong with
 clustering a CSV file and can't quite figure it out.  I am using Mahout 0.9 on 
a local machine only.  Below is the output from seqdumper, and I am not sure 
how to interpret it.  Can anyone help?

Input Path: file:/home/r9r/seqTest/seqKmeans/clusters-1-final/_policy
Key class: class Value Class: class 
Key: : Value: 
Count: 1
Input Path: file:/home/r9r/seqTest/seqKmeans/clusters-1-final/part-00000
Key class:
 class Value Class: class 
Key: 0: Value: org.apache.mahout.clustering.iterator.ClusterWritable@592ea0f8
Count: 1
Input Path: file:/home/r9r/seqTest/seqKmeans/clusters-1-final/part-00001
Key class: class Value Class: class 
Key: 1: Value: org.apache.mahout.clustering.iterator.ClusterWritable@44a2786
Count: 1

There's probably a good chance I am still not getting my CSV data into 
something usable.  I can get it into a sequence file, but this is the output.


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