recommenditembased returns 0 records from last map-reduce job

2014-07-20 Thread Serega Sheypak
Hi, I'm trying to create item similarity. I gather items which users visit during shopping and then create a file: user_id, item_id, weight (where weight can be: [1.0, 1.6, 1.9], depends on user action type and data source) UNION -item_id, item_id, 1.0 (from items dictionary) and I do provide a us

Re: recommenditembased returns 0 records from last map-reduce job

2014-07-20 Thread Andrew Musselman
I'm confused about how you're constructing the user file, and why there are negated item ids here. Can you post some more details please, including Mahout version and some sample data sets? > On Jul 20, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Serega Sheypak wrote: > > Hi, I'm trying to create item similarity. > I

Re: recommenditembased returns 0 records from last map-reduce job

2014-07-20 Thread Serega Sheypak
the version is: CDH-4.7.0-1.cdh4.7.0.p0.40 users_file: --inverted_item_id -1 -2 -3 -4 users_items_prefs --inverted item_id -1 1 1.0 -2 2 1.0 -3 3 1.0 -4 4 1.0 --user_id item_id pref_value 11 1 1.6 11 2 1.6 123 3 2.0 123 4 2.0 333 1 2.0 333 2 1.6 --e.t.c. if I set --booleanData true then mahou

Re: recommenditembased returns 0 records from last map-reduce job

2014-07-20 Thread Serega Sheypak
All bad things happen here: Name RecommenderJob-PartialMultiplyMapper-Reducer User oozie Process User oozie Group oozie Mapper Class PartialMultiplyMapper Reducer Class AggregateAndRecommendReducer Job Input Directory hdfs://nameservice1/itemrec/temp/partialMultiply Job Output Di

Re: recommenditembased returns 0 records from last map-reduce job

2014-07-20 Thread Peng Zhang
Seraga, I have two comments: 1. Don’t use negative user ids. Since Mahout uses user id as well as item id as the row/column index, you’d better use 0, 1, 2, etc as ids 2. If you want to get the item similarity information, you can use --outputPathForSimilarityMatrix in the command Regards, Peng