Hi All,
I'm new to Mahout. I'm using the SpectralKMeansDriver.java example provided in 
the Mahout library. The code works fine. 
After code execution I want to find which IDs belong to which clusters. 
I'm using the 'mahout clusterdump' command to dump the clusters and it dumps 
the centroid, radius and points. but I can't find which ID belongs to which 
cluster information.
I found the below snipnet in the code example 'SpectralKMeansDriver.java',  
which I presume is looking for the input mapping file but how do can I provide 
this from the command line.    // Restore name to id mapping and read through 
the cluster assignments    Path mappingPath = new Path(new 
Path(conf.get("hadoop.tmp.dir")), "generic_input_mapping");    List<String> 
mapping = new ArrayList<>();    FileSystem fs = 
FileSystem.get(mappingPath.toUri(), conf);    if (fs.exists(mappingPath)) {     
 SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, mappingPath, conf);   
   Text mappingValue = new Text();      IntWritable mappingIndex = new 
IntWritable();      while (reader.next(mappingIndex, mappingValue)) {        
String s = mappingValue.toString();        mapping.add(s);      }      
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, mappingPath);    } else {      log.warn("generic input 
mapping file not found!");    }
Would appreciate any pointers.

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