Are you using Marathon?

The Mesos SANDBOX_PATH volume was supported by Marathon as the pod's
ephemeral volume. Please note that Mesos framework API is different from
Marathon API and refer to Marathon documentation if necessary.


On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 5:25 PM Marc Roos <> wrote:

> Don't know how to apply this manual correctly to map a image folder to
> the sandbox.
> {
>   "id": "/test2",
>   "user": "nobody",
>   "cpus": 1,
>   "mem": 256,
>   "disk": 0,
>   "instances": 1,
>   "acceptedResourceRoles": ["*"],
>   "backoffSeconds": 10,
>   "networks": [
>     { "mode": "container", "name": "cni" }
>   ],
>   "container": {
>     "type": "MESOS",
>     "docker": {
>         "image": "test",
>         "credential": null,
>         "forcePullImage": true
>         },
>         "volumes": [
>       {
>           "mode": "RW",
>         "container_path": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs",
>           "source": {
>          "type": "SANDBOX_PATH",
>          "sandbox_path": {
>          "type": "SELF",
>          "path": "tmp"
>          }
>       }
>       }
>       ]
>   }
> }

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