Hi list,

I have some general Alerts UI questions/comments/remarks, I hope you don't mind :) I'm using the UI that's part of Metron 0.4.2. These apply to my specific use case, so I might be completely wrong in how I use the UI...

- When you're talking about 'alerts', from what I can see in the UI, that's synonymous with just events in elasticsearch right? Wouldn't it make more sense to treat alerts as events where "is_alert" == True?

- It seems that everything I do in the UI is only stored locally? See https://github.com/apache/metron/tree/master/metron-interface/metron-alerts. Can this made persistent for multiple people?

- How can I change the content "Filters" on the left of the UI?

- How do I create a MetaAlert?

- What's the plan regarding notifying someone when alerts triggers?

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