Hi All,

When looking into EntityAuditLog table, it store the changed entity
name, change field name, old value, new value and user login id
information, but there is no information of event by which the value
is modified.

So my question is
1)  Is there any way to find out that corresponding to which request,
corresponding to which service or event call the entity field is
2) Is there any way to confirm that the fields of entities is modified
from webtools only either by editing a row or from sql querry?

The requirement for #2 is if we are maintaining the auditing history
then we have to make sure that the audit entity field not modified at
entity level, even not through user having root privileges.

If Answer of these two question is no then what will the best way to
achieve both of this with OFBiz best practice.

Thanks in Advance!!!
Parimal Gain

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