Rest API versioning and redirection

2022-02-28 Thread Rishi Agr
Hi, I am trying to add API versioning and I found that there is mount-point */rest* in *rest-api/ofbiz-component.xml* which is added as a part of the path to the API. This is also the case in *swagger-ui.html*. In my understanding, there needs to be a configurable property that can be used in both

Re: Rest API does not send the null properties in response

2022-02-28 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Rishi, there is no configuration option currently. We could either make this configurable or use JsonInclude.Include.USE_DEFAULTS to let the source class handle how null values will be rendered in the JSON. As I am currently working on the plugin, please consider creating a Jira as a

Rest API does not send the null properties in response

2022-02-28 Thread Rishi Agr
Hi, I have observed that the response data from any API does not contain the properties with null values. Upon having a check, I found that the class "JacksonConfig" has "objectMapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);" which excludes the null properties from the response