Hello all,

My customer sells Flooring and tiling goods by area (square meters). But
those goods are in a box that are not divideable.

Exemple: a Flooring good is in a box of 1.33 square meter so any Order on
this good (PO or SO) must be have a quantity divideable by 1.33:

He can order 1.33, 2.66, 3.99 ..... but he can not order 1,2 or any quantity
not divideable by 1.33.

So if the user type 2 this quantity has to be rounded to 2.66.

My customer doesn't want to sell boxes in his order, prices are based on
area not boxes and any document like  invoices must show the quantity in
square meter not in boxes.

So I'm looking for a way to have a quantity increment property on the
product to have this behavior implemented.

I was looking at the "alternative packaging" association but this doesn't
seems to be the good approach..

Do you have any idea if a such feature is available OOTB on ofbiz or if I
will have to hack the shoppingcart to have a such behavior?


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