Hi, new lurker here, just stumbled on an interesting blog post that deals with this (and SEO): From http://www.joshlong.com/jl/entry/web_framework_utility_llibraries_urlrewrite :
Url Rewriting For Servlets

I've had to do some URL rewriting to support search engine optimization. SEO is something of a black art, I admit, but there' still something to be said for building your web application wit search engine navigability in mind. Naturally, this means man things, not the least of which exposing your pages on friendly book markable URLs. Spring MVC supports accessing low level servle configuration, but what is most appropriate for this sort o requirement is mod_rewrite. Mod_rewrite let's you map URLs coming into the server and transform them into other types of URLs, which then are used to access HTTP resources on your application. I didn't have - and didn't want to commit to – a full installation of Apache HTTPD or anything like that. Instead, I wanted something inside the servlet container. I stumbled upon UrlRewriteFilter. It's fairly well documented and definitely powerful enough for 80% of your usecases. It can even match against request variables. It's got support for wildcard syntax as well as regular expressions. My regex-fu was strong enough that it just made sense to use that from the get-go.

North Creek

On 22-Jan-09, at 3:20 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Thanks BJ,

That's also what I suggested on dev ML
So +2 for Apache mod_rewrite so far ;o)


From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
Hash: SHA1

I  have not done this, but just some thoughts.
1) you need to start at
^/applicationname/control/ if your using any of the application that
come with ofbiz, since there is a a control.xml for each application.
and then direct to the application.
so even if you removed the /control
you still need the /applicationname in the URL
I did attempt at one time to put all the applications thru one
control.xml but ran into integration problems.

lets say you have only one application and you are not calling any other
of the built-in screens.
another approach is to use an apache front end and ajp

you can use rewrite rules

euronymous sent the following on 1/22/2009 11:26 AM:
Hi list...
Jaques correctly pointed to post my question here, instead of Dev: here it
is...Hope someone is gonna help us ;) Thanks

Hi list

we were looking around possibilities to remove the Control Servlet from a customized application, in a way that the frontend will not contain in the
URL /control/.

Is there a way to do that directly in the application web.xml descriptor?
That's just a strange request of one of our customers...for us it is
definitely ok to leave it ;) But you all know that customer request must be
satisfied (as much as we can)...

We tried urlrewrite, without totally success. Using a rule like the
following one, we were able to filter the content generated from

When response.encodeURL is called (RequestHandler.encodeURL) the url /control/something will be rewritten to / something.

The above rule and this outbound-rule means that end users
should never see the
url /control/something /something both in thier location bar and
in hyperlinks
           in your pages.

Anyway we need also another rule to filter input...something like this (not

           Requests without /control/ will be silently rewritten.


I've read that months ago Jaques was speaking on urlrewrite...
Is there someone that had our same necessity before?

Thanks list, thanks Ofbiz developers

Michele Orrù
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