XML Data Import error

2007-03-20 Thread tej minhas
During importing of a fairly large XML file I get the following error: - ERROR: Error parsing entity xml file: java.io.CharConversionException: Invalid UTF-8 Encoding The problem is that I cannot determine where in the XML file that the error occurred. I understand that it is using some 3rd

javascript call to (OFBIZ) service

2007-03-18 Thread tej minhas
Can anyone point me to an example or the syntax for calling an (OFBIZ) service using javascript. In particular I am trying to validate a manually entered Product ID when a quote item is being added to a quote. I would like to look the Product ID up in the Product entity and return price & descri

RE: should an attribute in the service def appear in parameters?

2007-02-28 Thread tej minhas
anywhere and if it does, you can backtrace it to find out why it is where it is. --- tej minhas < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: My service def is: location="org/ofbiz/order/quote/QuoteServices.xml" invoke="createQuickQuoteItem" auth="true"

should an attribute in the service def appear in parameters?

2007-02-28 Thread tej minhas
My service def is: Create a Quick Quote Item My form that invokes the service is: In the service itself: But "parameters" does no

how to set screen to "always on top"

2007-02-23 Thread tej minhas
Is there a way to pin or "always on`top" the LookupProductAndPrice screen? I guess it would apply to any screen. Thanks.

Re: form/screen - how to set field to current date

2007-02-13 Thread tej minhas
that it was my first post --- Tej, There is a variable that is automatically put into the widget environment, called, nowTimestamp. Here is a line from a form file that I found by using the eclipse search function (contrainted it to *.xml, *.ftl files): -Al On 2/13/07, tej

form/screen - how to set field to current date

2007-02-13 Thread tej minhas
Where can I find out how to set a form/screen field to the current date - similar to "now-timestamp-to-env" in simple methods. Apologies for bad/improper terminology as I am a newbie to OFBIZ Thanks