Hi All, I have a question about Financial Account Reconciliation process.

Currently In Fin Account Reconciliation, more then one FinAccount's transaction 
can associate to one Reconciliation. Please verify that is it correct according 
to business process? There should be one to one relationship in FinAccount and 
Explanation with example - 

Suppose - 
Fin Account ID : FA1
Fin Account Transaction for Fin Account Id  FA1 - 10000, 10001, 10002, 10003.
Fin Account ID : FA2
Fin Account Transaction for Fin Account Id  FA2 - 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007.

Reconciliation Id : REC1, REC2

Current Implementation - 
REC1 can associate to 10000, 10001, 10004, 10005 
Conclusion - One reconciliation can associate to more then on FinAccount's 

Please suggest that, Is above process correct? Can one reconciliation contains 
more then one FinAccount's transactions?

Thanks and Regards
Sumit Pandit

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