Hi.  Do not forget that OFBiz has custom improvements to Beanshell, which 
basically mean the parsed structure of a script is cached after the first 
interpretation.    I have not seen any figures for relative performance but it 
is an obvious one.

For more info start here:

From experience, I would suggest that moving from bsh to Java would not 
necessarily help performance that much, compare to other typical bottlenecks. 
It may also increase your development costs, thus reducing your hardware budget 
and thus indirectly reducing performance!  I would certainly recommend doing 
controlled, quantitative tests before embarking on any major initiatives or 
code refactorings just for performance reasons.


----- Original Message ----
From: G.Venkata Phanindra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ofbiz-user@incubator.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February, 2007 8:56:48 AM
Subject: Usage of java over BSH

Hi all.
      I am currently working on Optimization of  load time  for website
running on Ofbiz... i have a doubt by moving the code from bsh to Java class
can we expect improvement in load time... as bsh is a pure interpreted
language where as java is a compiled one ... i have gone thru the
documentation given at

G.Venkata Phanindra
Mob:: 9849852989

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