This may not be helpful but you are better off with snappy compression. Its
comparable speed/compression wise with lzo and does not have licensing
issues with hadoop

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:10 AM, w00t w00t <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I ran Hortonworks' Sandbox 1.2 and used Oozie successfully to run Java MR,
> Pig and Hive jobs.
> Then I installed Lzo support which now seems to break my Oozie.
> I adjusted core-site.xml in the following way:
>   <property>
>     <name>io.compression.codecs</name>
> <value>,,com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec,com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzopCodec,</value>
>   </property>
>   <property>
>     <name>io.compression.codec.lzo.class</name>
>     <value>com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec</value>
>   </property>
> I now have the same situation as documented here:
> Oozie can't start any MR jobs and reports:
> ClassNotFound error (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class
> com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec not found)
> I am not sure where to place /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/hadoop-lzo-0.5.0.jar... I
> tried several things but was not successful..
> I read that it needs to be put into /var/lib/oozie.
> I am not sure whether this is the right location as there is the following
> directory strucuture:
> /var/lib/oozie/oozie-server
> /var/lib/oozie/oozie-server/conf
> /var/lib/oozie/oozie-server/webapps
> /var/lib/oozie/oozie-server/work
> => seems for me to be the Oozie Tomcat application.
> Another possible location is /usr/lib/oozie/lib.
> But again, putting the jar here and restarting Oozie did not solve the
> problem.
> Can you help me to fix this problem?
> I appreciate any help.

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