Hello !

I currently have a problem with Oozie.

I have an hadoop cluster (Horton Works distribution) on a CentOs operating 
system, with 2 master nodes with namenodes, 1 edge node with oozie server, hive 
server etc... and 4 data nodes.
The coordinator is able to launch the workflow without any problem, but as soon 
as a shell script needs to be launched, even a very small script like the one 
below, I have an error message and the job fails :

echo "hello world"

Here is the error message :
2014-04-18 19:00:05,047  WARN ShellActionExecutor:542 - USER[applicative_user] 
GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[myWorkflow] JOB[0000015-140418185613138-oozie-oozi-W] 
ACTION[0000015-140418185613138-oozie-oozi-W@dispatchAction] Launcher ERROR, 
reason: Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.ShellMain], main() threw 
exception, Cannot run program "myShell.sh" (in directory 
 error=13, Permission denied

Here is the version of Oozie client that I have :
Oozie client build version:

And here is the version of the Oozie server :

Solution I already tried :

1.     Check the rights in each of my data nodes in /var/opt/data/flat/data*, 
everything is normal with 755 permissions

2.     Try to launch only a small script I wrote on the Linux filesystem and 
put by myself on the HDFS, and, as described above, I got the same error 
"Permission denied".

I'm currently running an HDP 2.0 secured by Kerberos.

I was wondering if someone had any advice to "where to look", "where to 
I already check the logs in /var/log/oozie/ and except this error I cannot see 
anything else.

Where can I investigate ?

Best regards.


Gwenael Le Barzic
Expert technique Plateforme du Centre de Compétence Web-Analytics
tél. 01 55 88 60 91
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