
I've submitted a pull request for fixing a test (DerivedTableIT.testDerivedTableWithGroupBy()), which passed on Java 7 but not on Java 8.

The test was retrieving two rows from a query with no ORDER BY clause, and assuming that they would come back in a specific order. This happened to match the order that Java 7 returned them in, but the order has changed in Java 8.

Test fixed by not assuming any particular order.

It may be that there are other existing tests around that are doing something similar. Obviously anything that returns 0 rows or 1 row will not be a problem, but any test that runs a query that returns multiple rows, and relies on a specific return order without specifying an ORDER BY clause, is fragile.

(It would be possible to fix by adding an ORDER BY clause instead, of course, but that would change what's being tested, which might or might not be acceptable.)

I also converted a field to a local variable (since it was used only in one place), and let IntelliJ clean up the import statements. Hopefully that's not a problem.


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