
I'm not sure what lead your infrastructure team to come to this conclusion. My only guess is that they have observed some now-stale documentation. PQS is supported and has plenty of information available, both via the Apache Phoenix website and the Apache Avatica website.


On 3/18/18 6:58 PM, Jayanta Purkayastha wrote:
Hi Josh,

I had an opportunity to go through a few of your presentation slides on slideshare.net and found some valuable information.

The purpose of my writing this email to you is to confirm the use of Phoenix with PQS. We’re currently using Phoenix with PQS for accessing Hbase dataset from Java application using the thin client in non-production environment. We’re planning to go to production shortly. We use Cloudera with Kerberos security.

Some research by our infrastructure team raised concerns about the use of PQS and thin client, and sighted reasons discouraging the use PQS and thin client due to unavailable support and lack of available information. These caused significant concern about our solution design.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts and opinions on these concerns by our infrastructure team and the management. Looking forward to hearing from you and the community.

Best Regards,

*Jay Purkayastha*

EIM – Core Data Platform | Molina Healthcare, Inc.

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