Hi ,I have simplified the problem further and here are the details:
in2.txt:null null <=6.9null not-null <=6.9null null <7.0not-null null <7.0
in1 = LOAD 'in1.txt' AS (f1:chararray, f2:chararray, f3:chararray);DUMP in1;I
see the following: Not sur
Hi All,I have the following problem:
This is a statement in my Pig script. cust_joined = JOIN cust_filtered BY (LOW,
HIGH, NORMAL), cust_conversion BY (Low, High, Normal);
When Datatypes are chararray for all these fields. So null should be
interpreted as 'null', right?
cust_filtered includes the
Check out PigPen (a Clojure version of what you're doing):
And if you really want to use Scala, also check out Scalding:
On Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Russell Jurney wrote:
> I don't have any feedback e
Awesome, thanks!
Steve Bernstein
408.499.0961 MOBILE
-Original Message-
From: Eyal Allweil [mailto:eyal_allw...@yahoo.com.INVALID]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:08 AM
To: user@pig.apache.org
Subject: Pig-Eclipse update
Hi all,
If you'
Hi all,
If you're using the "pig-eclipse" tool, I've recently started maintaining it
and put out a new version. If you're not familiar with it, it's just a
lightweight Eclipse plugin that does syntax highlighting for Pig.
I mostly just updated the syntax highlighting to 0.11, but I also added a