It's just experience.
2014-10-16 13:51 GMT+04:00 Jakub Stransky :
> I tried to pass schema directly as follows:
> STORE finaldata INTO '/user/pig/outputTest/20120422' USING AvroStorage(
> 'schema','{"type":"record","name":"PosData","namespace":"","fields":[{"name":"
I tried to pass schema directly as follows:
STORE finaldata INTO '/user/pig/outputTest/20120422' USING AvroStorage(
Try not to pass schema as file, pecify schema json directly in AvroStorage
I tried both approaches.
1. It's more pleasant to pass schema as url
2. If you pass schema as url you MUST map names in relation to schema.
If you pass schema directly as json, you don't have to map relati
STORE finaldata INTO '$OUT' USING AvroStorage('schema_uri','$SCHEMA');
OUT=/user/pig/outputTest/20120422 that is the location where I would like
to get the final date store. And under the $SCHEMA variable I tried various
$SCHEMA=hdfs://namenodeha:8020/user/pig/outputTest/pif.json -
what are values for these variables:
STORE finaldata INTO '$OUT' USING AvroStorage('schema_uri','$SCHEMA');
2014-10-15 17:51 GMT+04:00 Jakub Stransky :
> No_schema_check doesn't help. Essentially we need either to remove relation
> name or to ensure that schema is used during store. Here it seems
No_schema_check doesn't help. Essentially we need either to remove relation
name or to ensure that schema is used during store. Here it seems that even
schema is supplied the internal schema take precedence. And that causes
On 15 October 2014 15:41, praveenesh kumar wrote:
> Not really
Not really sure, but can you try adding 'no_schema_check'while using
AvroStorage in Store function.
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Jakub Stransky
> Hello experienced users,
> I am working with avro data files using AvroStorage and I am facing
> following issue. I cannot store the data
Hello experienced users,
I am working with avro data files using AvroStorage and I am facing
following issue. I cannot store the data of my result back to avro data
I have following script
inputdata = load '$INP' using AvroStorage();
dirtydata = DISTINCT inputdata;
sodtr = FILTER dirtydata