Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread Pat Ferrel
There are 2 types of MLlib ALS recommenders last I checked, implicit and explicit. Implicit ones you give any arbitrary score, like a 1 for purchase. The explicit one you can input ratings and it is expected to predict ratings for an individual. But both iirc also have a regularization parameter

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread GMAIL
That is, the predicted scores that the Recommender returns can not just be multiplied by two, but may be completely wrong? I can not, say, just divide the predictions by 2 and pretend that everything is fine? 2017-12-18 21:35 GMT+03:00 Pat Ferrel : > The UR and the Recommendations Template use ve

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread Pat Ferrel
The UR and the Recommendations Template use very different technology underneath. In general the scores you get from recommenders are meaningless on their own. When using ratings as numerical values with a ”Matrix Factorization” recommender like the ones in MLlib, upon which the Recommendation

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread GMAIL
Does it seem to me or UR strongly differs from Recommender? At least I can't find method getRatings in class DataSource, which contains all events, in particular, "rate", that I needed. 2017-12-18 11:14 GMT+03:00 Noelia Osés Fernández : > I didn't solve the problem :( > > Now I use the universal

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread Noelia Osés Fernández
But we were talking about the Recommender Engine Template, not the UR. I believe the recommender engine template is supposed to predict ratings. However, it doesn't seem to be doing so. On 18 December 2017 at 09:20, Александр Лактионов wrote: > This score is not the same as in the input. > UR c

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread Александр Лактионов
This score is not the same as in the input. UR calculates LLR between item pairs and leaves only pairs that pass threshold. This is stored in ES as documents with item as id and correlated items tokens as text (item -> (item,item,...)). UR makes a query to es with its own item list (for example, us

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread Noelia Osés Fernández
I didn't solve the problem :( Now I use the universal recommender On 18 December 2017 at 09:12, GMAIL wrote: > And how did you solve this problem? Did you divide prediction score by 2? > > 2017-12-18 10:40 GMT+03:00 Noelia Osés Fernández : > >> I got the same problem. I still don't know the ans

Re: Recommendation return score more than 5

2017-12-18 Thread GMAIL
And how did you solve this problem? Did you divide prediction score by 2? 2017-12-18 10:40 GMT+03:00 Noelia Osés Fernández : > I got the same problem. I still don't know the answer to your question :( > > On 17 December 2017 at 14:07, GMAIL wrote: > >> I thought that there was a 5 point scale, b