On 8/12/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/12/06, Ryan Wynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had some trouble recently upgrading to shale 1.03 on websphere
> portal 5.1.  shale 1.02 works okay, but I get a very non-descriptive
> error message 'web application failed to start' using 1.0.3.  Nothing
> in the portal logs seems to indicate why.  I have seen this problem
> before with websphere and it usually has indicated that a dependancy
> on a listener, filter, or servlet could not be found or somehow did
> not play along with websphere's server level third party jars.  It
> seems to be the latter in this case since I can run the same
> application using shale 1.0.3 fine in tomcat.
> Does anyone know of any new dependancy versions introducted since
> 1.0.2? Maybe specifically to things which would get loaded when the
> application starts?  I am using just the shale-core and shale-clay
> libraries which happened to be sufficient enough for 1.0.2.

The dependency version numbers for a bunch of things have been changed (see
the tracking issue[1] for details), but AFAIK no *new* dependencies have
been added.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/SHALE-242

I'm guessing it's the dependancy on Logging 1.1 that may be my
problem.  I am using websphere's server level commons-logging and I
think that may be older.  I'll try putting  Logging 1.1 in the webapp
with parent-last loading and see if that fixes it.  That also may
explain why I do not see any exceptions logged.

> Ryan

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