On 1/24/07, James Watkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thank you for your time, information, and openness.

I'd also like to pass along a link to a video interview of Ed Burns that
I watched today:


In this interview, Ed Burns talked about JSF frameworks like Apache
Shale and how the next version of the JSF spec will leverage ideas from

Some specific features mentioned for the next (2.0?) JSF spec were
conversation scope, additional core components, state management, and
some sort of AJAX support.

In a reference to Apache Shale, Ed Burns said, "...they (Apache Shale)
have a remoting package that provides the ability to facilitate AJAX by
invoking method bindings in the server but it turns out there are some
security issues with that, but I think they'll be addressed." I don't
know how old this interview is. Can you explain what he's referring to
and whether or not it was addressed?

Yes, it was an old issue (the interview was recorded a while ago), and yes
it has been addressed in the 1.0.4 release.  The issue related to the way
that the "dynamic" processor mapped a request URL to a method binding that
could call any public method on a managed bean that has zero parameters.  In
other words, a URL like:


(assumes you are using *.faces mapping for FacesServlet) would cause a
method binding expression "#{foo.bar}" to be constructed, and therefore the
"bar" method would be called.  The challenge is that you might have public
zero-args methods in your managed beans that are not designed to be executed
directly from a client call like that, and gives clients an opportunity to
disrupt your application.

Today, the fix for this is a set of context init parameters that can be used
to limit what URL patterns are allowed or disallowed for this processor (as
well as the ones that serve static resources) to serve.  It will return "not
allowed" HTTP errors if you attempt to use a prohibited URL pattern.  The
gory details of configuring this are in the package summary Javadocs[1].

In the future, when we can move to an assumption of Java SE 5 as the
baseline (or successfully demonstrate that retro-weaved JARs can run
on 1.4systems), we'll be able to use annotations to explicitly
identify the public
methods that you want to make accessible to the dynamic processor.  That's a
lot more fine grained and easily understood than having to remember to
update URL patterns in context init parameters.

- Jim


Craig McClanahan wrote:
> On 1/23/07, James Watkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm looking for a new web application framework. From attending various
>> conferences and selected readings, it appears that a framework which
>> supports JSF and AJAX is probably what we're looking for.
>> Again, based solely on conferences and selected readings, the following
>> frameworks appear to have merit:
>> * Apache Shale or JBoss Seam for a high-end code-centric framework.
>> http://shale.apache.org/
>> http://www.jboss.com/products/seam
>> * ICEfaces for superior JSF/AJAX integration.
>> http://www.devx.com/security/Article/33533
>> http://www.icesoft.com/products/icefaces.html
>> * NetBeans Visual Web Pack (or Sun Java Studio Creator) for rapid
>> development.
>> http://www.netbeans.org/products/visualweb/
>> http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/index.jsp
>> * Spring Web Flow combined with JSF?
>> http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/spring/display/WEBFLOW/Home
> You might want to add one more category of things to look at ...
> libraries that enable the use of non-Ajax-aware JSF components in an
> environment (partial page submit, partial page refresh).  Two libraries
> java.net that do this kind of thing:
> * https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/
> * https://jsf-extensions.dev.java.net/
> I notice that JBoss Seam appears to have support for ICEfaces. Does
>> Apache Shale plan to do the same? If not, why not, and does Apache
>> have some other plan to support AJAX, and what will be the benefit of
>> that other approach?
> You will see two "attitudes" in Shale towards this issue:
> * Shale does not contain any components itself ... it is designed to add
> value
>  on the server side while working with *any* component
library.  Therefore,
>  in principle, it should work with any of the JSF-Ajax component
> that
>  you like.  That being said, if there are compelling advantages to be
> gained by
>  an explicit integration layer for particular libraries, we will
> look at that.
>  But, in the particular case of ICEFaces, there shouldn't be anything
> required
>  other than just putting all the right libraries together.
> * For the particular use case of a client side application that wants to
>  asynchronous callbacks *without* updating the JSF component state
>  because the server side application is not based on JSF components),
>  Shale Remoting library provides facilities for doing that sort of thing
> directly.
> Since my only hands-on web development experience is with Struts, I'm
>> looking for a discussion of these JSF/AJAX frameworks by those that
>> actual experience using them.
>> If you're qualified, could you please share your experiences, assess
>> these frameworks (or others I have omitted), and while you're at it,
>> predict their futures?
> As if you did not have enough to read :-), one other item to keep track
> is the "Web Beans" JSR (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=299).  This is
> attempt (just getting started) to standardize the relationships between
> JSF and EJB3/JPA component models, using Seam as a model of what might
> possible (plus contributions from other frameworks, of course).
> Thank you.
>> - Jim
> Craig

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
UCLA Anderson School
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
   Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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