Just turn off the JDBC option pushDownPredicate, which was introduced in
Spark 2.4. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources-jdbc.html
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 11:36 AM Mohit Durgapal
> Hi All,
> I am trying to read a table of a relational database using spark 2.x.
Severity: Important
Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Versions Affected:
Apache Spark 2.4.5 and earlier
In Apache Spark 2.4.5 and earlier, a standalone resource manager's master
be configured to require authentication (spark.authenticate) via a
shared secret. When enabled,
Hi All,
I am trying to read a table of a relational database using spark 2.x.
I am using code like the following:
sparkContext.read().jdbc(url, table ,
Now, What's happening is spark is actually the SQL query which spark is
I was wondering if the documentation on SupportsReportStatistics [1] about
its interaction with the planner and predicate pushdowns is still
accurate. It says:
"Implementations that return more accurate statistics based on pushed
operators will not improve query performance until the planner can
Thanks for the response. If we intend consumers to be able to use this
based on the docs I linked, could we publish the jar to maven central?
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 12:59 PM Jorge Machado wrote:
> You can build it from source.
> Clone the spark git repo and run: ./build/mvn clean package -Dsk
You can build it from source.
Clone the spark git repo and run: ./build/mvn clean package -DskipTests
-Phadoop-3.2 -Pkubernetes -Phadoop-cloud
> On 22. Jun 2020, at 11:00, Rahij Ramsharan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use the new S3 committers
> (https://spark.apache.org/do
Hey Panos,
our solution allows us to analyze the full path and modify the file name.
so for multiple partitions, we can extract the values of the partitions and
then inject them into the file name.
for example,
for the following file:
I'm learning Apache Spark, where I'm trying to run a basic Spark Program
written in Java. I've installed Apache Spark
*(spark-2.4.3-bin-without-hadoop)* downloaded from https://spark.apache.org/
I've created a maven project in eclipse and added the following dependency :
I am trying to use the new S3 committers (
spark 3.0.0. As per
https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/cloud-integration.html#installation, I
need to include "org.apache.spark:had
Hey Stefan,
Thank you for your replay.
May I ask for a use-case or an example of how you would use this ability.
I want to make sure our solution would work for you.
Sent from: http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/
STS deployment on k8s is not supported out of the box.
We had done some minor changes in spark code to get Spark Thrift Server working
on k8s.
Here is the PR that we had created.
Unfortunately, this could not be merged.
Thanks and Regards,
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