You can sort of hack this by reading it as an RDD[String] and trying to 
implement a custom parser i.e.

Val rddRows = parseMyCols

Def parseMyCols(rawVal: String) : Row = {
parse(rawVal) match {
case Success(parsedRowValues) = > Row(parsedRowValues :+ “”: _*)
case Failure(exception) => Row( nullList :+ exception.getMessage )

Hope this helps

On 17 Jun 2019, at 06:31, Ajay Thompson 
<<>> wrote:

There's a column which captures the corrupted record. However, the exception 
isn't captured. If the exception is captured in another column it'll be very 

On Mon, 17 Jun, 2019, 10:56 AM Gourav Sengupta, 
<<>> wrote:

it already does, I think, you just have to add the column in the schema that 
you are using to read.


On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 2:48 PM 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Team,

Can we have another column which gives the corrupted record reason in 
permissive mode while reading csv.


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