
I am trying to guess what such comments needed  for and cannot google it on
Internet, maybe some documentation tool? Both, Java and Scala, have this in
import statements and in a code: β€œ$example on” and β€œ$example off"

package org.apache.spark.examples.sql

// $example on:programmatic_schema$
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
// $example off:programmatic_schema$
// $example on:init_session$
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
// $example off:init_session$
// $example on:programmatic_schema$
// $example on:data_types$
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
// $example off:data_types$
// $example off:programmatic_schema$

object SparkSQLExample {

  // $example on:create_ds$
  case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
  // $example off:create_ds$



Fuad Efendi

(416) 993-2060

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Search

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