Spark newbie here, using Spark 1.3.1.

I’m consuming a stream and trying to pipe the data from the entire window to R 
for analysis.  The R algorithm needs the entire dataset from the stream 
(everything in the window) in order to function properly; it can’t be broken up.

So I tried doing a coalesce(1) before calling pipe(), but it still seems to be 
breaking up the data and invoking R, but it still seems to to be breaking up 
the data and invoking R multiple times with small pieces of data.  Is there 
some other approach I should try?

Here’s a small snippet:

    val inputs: DStream[String] = MQTTUtils.createStream(ssc, mqttBrokerUrl, 
inputsTopic, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
    inputs.foreachRDD {
      windowRdd => {
        if (windowRdd.count() > 0) processWindow(windowRdd)


  def processWindow(windowRdd: RDD[String]) = {
    // call R script to process data
    val outputsRdd: RDD[String] = 

    if (outputsRdd.count() > 0) processOutputs(outputsRdd)


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