Re: where is the source code for org.apache.spark.launcher.Main?

2015-07-02 Thread Shiyao Ma
After clicking the github spark repo, it is clearly here: My intellij project sidebar was fully expanded and I was lost in anther folder. Problem solved. -

where is the source code for org.apache.spark.launcher.Main?

2015-07-02 Thread Shiyao Ma
Hi, It seems to me spark launches a process to read the spark-deaults.conf and then launch another process to do the app stuff. The code here should confirm it: $RUNNER" -cp "$LAUNCH_CLASSPATH" org.apache.spark.launcher.Main "$@"

Task InputSize source code location

2015-07-01 Thread Shiyao Ma
Hi, When running tasks, I found some task has input size of zero, while others not. For example, in this picture: I suspect it has something to do with the block manager. But where is the exact source code that monitors the task input size? Thanks. --

Why does driver transfer application jar to executors?

2015-06-17 Thread Shiyao Ma
Hi, Looking from my executor logs, the submitted application jar is transmitted to each executors? Why does spark do the above? To my understanding, the tasks to be run are already serialized with TaskDescription. Regards. - T

Can standalone cluster manager provide I/O information on worker nodes?

2015-05-11 Thread Shiyao Ma
Hi, Can standalone cluster manager provide I/O information on worker nodes? If not, possible to point out what's the proper file to modify to achieve that functionality? Besides, does Mesos support that? Regards. - To unsubsc

Understanding the build params for spark with sbt.

2015-04-20 Thread Shiyao Ma
Hi. My usage is only about the spark core and hdfs, so no spark sql or mlib or other components invovled. I saw the hint on the, with a sample like: build/sbt -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.3 assembly. (what's the -P for?) Fundamentally, I'd like to l