How to add all combinations of items rated by user and difference between the ratings?

2015-03-28 Thread anishm
The input file is of format: userid, movieid, rating From this plan, I want to extract all possible combinations of movies and difference between the ratings for each user. (movie1, movie2),(rating(movie1)-rating(movie2)) This process should be processed for each user in the dataset. Finally, I

How to augment data to existing MatrixFactorizationModel?

2015-02-26 Thread anishm
I am a beginner to the world of Machine Learning and the usage of Apache Spark. I have followed the tutorial at

Augment more data to existing MatrixFactorization Model?

2015-02-26 Thread anishm
I am a beginner to the world of Machine Learning and the usage of Apache Spark. I have followed the tutorial at