that's good. thanks
On 2022/2/12 12:11, Raghavendra Ganesh wrote:
.withColumn("newColumn",expr(s"case when score>3 then 'good' else 'bad'
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I have a column whose value (Int type as score) is from 0 to 5.
I want to query that, when the score > 3, classified as "good". else
classified as "bad".
How do I implement that? A UDF like something as this?
scala> implicit class Foo(i:Int) {
| def classAs(f:Int=>String) = f(i)
1. since I have 3 nodes (as known as 3 executors?), are there 3
partitions for each job?
2. can I expand the partition by hand to increase the performance?
On 2022/2/11 6:22, frakass wrote:
On 2022/2/11 6:16, Gourav Sengupta wrote:
What is the source data (is it JSON, CSV, Parqu
On 2022/2/11 6:16, Gourav Sengupta wrote:
What is the source data (is it JSON, CSV, Parquet, etc)? Where are you
reading it from (JDBC, file, etc)? What is the compression format (GZ,
BZIP, etc)? What is the SPARK version that you are using?
it's a well built csv file (no compressed) stored
I have three nodes with total memory 128G x 3 = 384GB
But the input data is about 1TB.
How can spark handle this case?
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Have you added the dependency in the build.sbt?
Can you 'sbt package' the source successfully?
On 2022/2/10 11:25, Karanika, Anna wrote:
For context, I am invoking spark-submit and adding arguments --packages
I think it's better as: { case(w,x,y,z) => columns(w,x,y,z) }
On 2022/2/9 12:46, Mich Talebzadeh wrote:
scala> val df2 = => columns(p(0).toString,p(1).toString,
p(2).toString,p(3).toString.toDouble)) // map those columns
Is this the scala syntax?
Yes in scala I know how to do it by converting the df to a dataset.
how for pyspark?
On 2022/2/9 10:24, oliver dd wrote:
df.flatMap(row => row.getAs[String]("value").split(" "))
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I know that using case class I can control the data type strictly.
scala> val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(("apple",1),("orange",2)))
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0]
at parallelize at :23
scala> rdd.toDF.printSchema
|-- _1: string (nullable = true)
for the RDD I can apply flatMap method:
>>> sc.parallelize(["a few words","ba na ba na"]).flatMap(lambda x:
x.split(" ")).collect()
['a', 'few', 'words', 'ba', 'na', 'ba', 'na']
But for a dataframe table how can I flatMap that as above?
| val
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On 2022/1/15 7:04, ALOK KUMAR SINGH wrote:
To unsubscribe e-mail: user-unsubscr...@spark.apache.o
OK thanks. I will check that.
On 2022/1/14 7:09, David Diebold wrote:
In RDD api, you must be looking for reduceByKey.
Le ven. 14 janv. 2022 à 11:56, frakass <>> a écrit :
Is there a RDD API which is similar to Scala's
Is there a RDD API which is similar to Scala's groupMapReduce?
Thank you.
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for this case i have 3 partitions, each process 3.333 GB data, am i right?
On 2022/1/14 2:20, Sonal Goyal wrote:
No it should not. The file would be partitioned and read across each node.
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 11:48 AM, frakass <>> wrote:
Hello list
Given the case I have a file whose size is 10GB. The ram of total
cluster is 24GB, three nodes. So the local node has only 8GB.
If I load this file into Spark as a RDD via sc.textFile interface, will
this operation run into "out of memory" issue?
Thank you.
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