Hi all,

We are happy to announce the 0.5 release of Analytics Zoo
<https://github.com/intel-analytics/analytics-zoo/>, a unified Analytics +
AI platform for *distributed TensorFlow, Keras & BigDL on Apache Spark*;
some of the notable new features in this release are:

   - tfpark
   distributed TensorFlow for Apache Spark
      - Support Keras
      <https://analytics-zoo.github.io/0.5.1/#APIGuide/TFPark/model/> and
      TensorFlow Estimator
      - Built-in NLP models
      (including NER, Intent Extraction and POS Tagging)
      - Premade BERT estimators
      (e.g., BERT Classifier)

   - Model Inference improvement, including
      - Int8
      Boost/VNNI) inference support based on BigDL and OpenVINO
      - Distributed, streaming inference
      using Spark Streaming and Apache Flink

   - Additional built-in models for BigDL, including fine-tuning pipeline
   for SSD

   - Support for BigDL 0.8.0; please see the download page
   <https://analytics-zoo.github.io/master/#release-download/> for the
   supported versions and releases.

 For more details, you may refer to the project website at



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