Hi folks,

Been trying to debug this issue:

*The application (Pyspark):*
1. Read a Hive table from the Metastore (Running Hive 1.2.2)
2. Print schema of the Dataframe read.
3. Do a show() on the df captured. The above error stack trace is from the
show job.

*To Reproduce:*
df = spark_ses.sql('select * from <db>.<table> limit 100000')

print("Printing Schema \n")

print("Running Show \n")



*Build Profile and additional application info:*
1. Spark 3.0.0 binary built using
./dev/make-distribution.sh -Pyarn -Phive -Phive-thriftserver
-Dhadoop.version=2.8.5  -Pspark-ganglia-lgpl -Pscala-2.12 -Dscala-2.12
This build is from the Spark github repo from this commit
2. Hive 1.2.2 as the metastore. The Spark application can connect to the
3. I can do a *printSchema() *on the df, and it does print out the schema
correctly. But a *show* or attempts to write to a S3 data store fails with
the above error.

Any advice on how I can go about debugging/ solving this?

Neelesh S. Salian

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