HI All,
Please give me some inputs on *Partition Column *to be used in
DataSourceAPI or JDBCRDD to define Lowerbound and Upperbound value which
would be used to define No. of partitions, but issue is my source table does
not have a Numeric Columns which is sequential and unique such that proper
partitioning can take place

And what if we dont give any inputs as such for Lowerbound,Upperbound and
No. of partitions, how Spark can perform execution in distributed
mode/parallel and is there any default mode to perform in distributed
mode/parallel with out the above mentioned inputs

Satish Chandra Jummula
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: satish chandra j <jsatishchan...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:10 PM
Subject: Partition Column in JDBCRDD or Datasource API
To: user <user@spark.apache.org>

HI All,
Please provide your inputs on Partition Column to be used in DataSourceAPI
or JDBCRDD in a scenerio where the source table does not have a Numeric
Columns which is sequential and unique such that proper partitioning can
take place in Spark


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