Re: Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-05-11 Thread Sean Owen
That is mostly the YARN overhead. You're starting up a container for the AM and executors, at least. That still sounds pretty slow, but the defaults aren't tuned for fast startup. On May 11, 2015 7:00 PM, "Su She" wrote: > Got it to work on the cluster by changing the master to yarn-cluster > ins

Re: Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-05-11 Thread Su She
Got it to work on the cluster by changing the master to yarn-cluster instead of local! I do have a couple follow up questions... This is the example I was trying to run:

Re: Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-04-27 Thread Su She
Hello Xiangrui, I am using this spark-submit command (as I do for all other jobs): /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.0-1.cdh5.3.0.p0.30/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit --class MLlib --master local[2] --jars $(echo /home/ec2-user/sparkApps/learning-spark/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ',') /home/ec2-user/sparkApps/lea

Re: Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-04-27 Thread Xiangrui Meng
How did you run the example app? Did you use spark-submit? -Xiangrui On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Su She wrote: > Sorry, accidentally sent the last email before finishing. > > I had asked this question before, but wanted to ask again as I think > it is now related to my pom file or project se

Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-04-23 Thread Su She
Sorry, accidentally sent the last email before finishing. I had asked this question before, but wanted to ask again as I think it is now related to my pom file or project setup. Really appreciate the help! I have been trying on/off for the past month to try to run this MLlib example: https://git

Getting error running MLlib example with new cluster

2015-04-23 Thread Su She
I had asked this question before, but wanted to ask again as I think it is related to my pom file or project setup. I have been trying on/off for the past month to try to run this MLlib example: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-uns