I am trying to understand the Spark Architecture for my upcoming
certification, however there seems to be conflicting information available.


Does Spark assign a Spark partition to only a single corresponding Spark
partition ?

In other words, is the number of Spark tasks for a job equal to the number
of Spark partitions ? (Provided of course there are no shuffles)

If so, a following question is :

1) Is the reason in Spark we can get OOMs ? Because a partition may not be
able to be loaded into RAM (provided its coming from an intermediate step
like a groupBy) ?

2) What is the purpose of spark.task.cpus ? It does not make sense for more
than one thread (or more than one cpu) to be working on a single
partition of data. So this number should always be 1 right ?

Need some help. Thanks.

Sreyan Chakravarty

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