I'm trying to broadcast an accumulator I generated earlier in my app. However I 
get a nullpointer exception whenever I reference the value.

                // The start of my accumulator generation
                LookupKeyToIntMap keyToIntMapper = new LookupKeyToIntMap();
                JavaRDD<Tuple2<Integer,Iterable<Long>>> intermediateIntsTuple = 
                JavaPairRDD<Integer,Iterable<Long>> intermediatePairInts = 

                JavaPairRDD<Integer,Tuple2<Integer,Integer>> sims = 
intermediatePairInts.mapValues(new SelfSim());
                // I force the RDD to evaluate so to avoid laziness issues
                Map<Integer,Tuple2<Integer,Integer>> simsMap = 

                // Broadcast the map
                // If I include a print statement here on the accumulator I can 
print the map out succesfully
                broadcastVar = ctx.broadcast(keyToIntMap.value());
                //  Here I try to access the broadcasted map
                JavaPairRDD<Integer,Long> indidIntKeyPair = 
indidKeyPairFiltered.mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<String,Long>, Integer, 
                        public Tuple2<Integer,Long> call(Tuple2<String,Long> 
keyVal) throws Exception{
                                Integer outInt = 
                                return new 

This works when I run it locally just fine but when I move it to a cluster 
environment it throws nullpointerexceptions. My questions is why can't I access 
this map? And what do I have to do to make it accessible.



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From: user-h...@spark.apache.org [mailto:user-h...@spark.apache.org] 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 4:02 PM
To: Jacob Maloney
Subject: FAQ for user@spark.apache.org

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