Re: Reading from CSV file with spark-csv_2.10

2015-02-05 Thread Jerry Lam
Hi Florin, I might be wrong but timestamp looks like a keyword in SQL that the engine gets confused with. If it is a column name of your table, you might want to change it. ( I'm constantly working with CSV files with spark. H

Reading from CSV file with spark-csv_2.10

2015-02-05 Thread Spico Florin
Hello! I'm using spark-csv 2.10 with Java from the maven repository com.databricks spark-csv_2.10 0.1.1 I would like to use Spark-SQL to filter out my data. I'm using the following code: JavaSchemaRDD cars = new JavaCsvParser().withUseHeader(true).csvFile( sqlContext, logFile); cars.registerAsTabl