Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Nikhil Raj, and I am currently
working with Apache Spark for one of my projects , where through the help
of a parquet file we are creating an external table in Spark.

I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding user authentication for our
Apache Spark application. Currently, we can connect to the application
using only the host and port information. However, for security reasons, we
would like to implement user authentication to control access and ensure
data integrity.

After reviewing the available documentation and resources, I found that
adding user authentication to our Spark setup requires additional
configurations or plugins. However, I'm facing challenges in understanding
the exact steps or best practices to implement this.

Could you please provide guidance or point me towards relevant
documentation/resources that detail how to integrate user authentication
into Apache Spark?  Additionally, if there are any recommended practices or
considerations for ensuring the security of our Spark setup, we would
greatly appreciate your insights on that as well.

Your assistance in this matter would be invaluable to us, as we aim to
enhance the security of our Spark application and safeguard our data

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to
hearing from you and your suggestions.

Warm regards,

Estuate Software Pvt. Ltd.
Thanks & Regards

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