
We are running spark on yarn version 1.4.1
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation

IndexIDAttemptStatusLocality LevelExecutor ID / HostLaunch TimeDuration ▾GC
TimeInput Size / RecordsWrite TimeShuffle Write Size / RecordsErrors1672060
RUNNINGRACK_LOCAL56 / foo1.net2015/11/14 15:28:565.1 h0.0 B (hadoop) / 00.0
B / 0

IndexIDAttemptStatusLocality LevelExecutor ID / HostLaunch TimeDurationGC
TimeInput Size / Records ▴Write TimeShuffle Write Size / RecordsErrors130176
0RUNNINGRACK_LOCAL19 / foo2.net2015/11/14 03:26:2216.8 h82 ms0.0 B (hadoop)
/ 16592040.0 B / 0

Our spark jobs have been running fine till now, suddenly we saw some lone
executors which got 0 records to process, got stuck indefinitely. We killed
some jobs which ran for 16+ hours.

This seems like a spark bug, is anyone aware of any issue in this version
of spark?

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