I had few questions w.r.t to Spark deployment & and way i want to use, It
would be helpful if you can answer few.

I plan to use Spark on a embedded switch, which has limited set of
resources,  like say 1 or 2  dedicated cores  and 1.5GB of memory,
want to model a network traffic with time series algorithms,  the
algorithms i want to use currently do no exist in spark, so i'm writing it
using R,
I plan to use Pipe to get this executed from Spark.

The reason i'm using Spark other then the ETL functions is because of
portability, so that the same code can be reused on a x86 platform with
more CPU & memory resources if required.

within the same Application i would like to create multiple threads , one
thread doining the testing of ML , and other training at some specific
time, and perhaps some other thread to do any other activity if required,

Can you please let me know if you see any apparent issues from your
experience on spark with this kind of design.

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