Does anyone know why the storm command-line program in the bin directory of
the downloads is the storm python script rather than the shell script
that's found in the storm github repo?

We have a minor problem with this script because it explicitly invokes
/usr/bin/python, which is not standard python practice and it's
inappropriate in the event that /usr/bin/python is not the desired python

01:10 [WM161-7D9:~/storm/apache-storm-0.9.4/bin]
 % head storm


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information

On our virtual nodes, /usr/bin/python is not appropriate for the storm
python script (wish that were not the case, but I'm not the admin). As I
understand it, the general practice for python is to start scripts with:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Which lets the user's path determine the correct python installation
without needing to modify the script. Of course, we can always modify the
script, but it's sort of annoying to have to remember that every time we
deploy a new storm instance.


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