On 4/5/2018 6:52 PM, Nuno Oliveira wrote:
> Your fix worked :) and I see why it did not work, thank you.
> Also yes, you are right, it should be Role instead of Roles but it is a
> legacy class and the change implies a lot of fixes. It's on the "to do
> list". 
> Once more, thank you.

You're welcome :) glad to hear this. However, I think it's better that
Struts honor .properties file (where element class has been defined
strictly by user) before the generic parametrics [1]. Could you please
register an issue at [2] with title "conversion fails when generic type
is an interface" then paste these emails contents in it's description.

Thanks for your report!

[2] issues.apache.org/jira/projects/WW/

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