Adam Hardy wrote:

Craig McClanahan on 03/08/05 23:10, wrote:

I just uploaded the slides from my OSCON talk this afternoon,
comparing several web frameworks on how they implement six major
architectural features.  Several people have asked for them, so here's
a link:

Can I summarise in a slightly Friday manner :)

(1) Struts: v1.3 should be better, in fact there are at least 5 major points that need addressing

(2) Webwork: kind of weird, has Actions but has unknowns like XWork, interceptor stacks, OGNL

(3) Spring MVC: totally flexible, configurable, wide variety of implementations - everything to everybody. Sounds like it can make coffee too. Good if you love XML config files.

This is kind of a breezy and under-informed synopsis. Spring Web MVC is about the same in terms of XML configuration as Struts, but it has back-end infrastructure and really clean good design, both of which Struts lack. Instead of "being everything to everybody", it's "exactly what people like us" (and thousands of others) need.

If you're still stuck on Struts like we were, why? It's 2005, and Struts is now O-L-D and it hasn't aged especially well. Spring turns out a much better solution for most web applications than Struts. To summarize more meaningfully, the primary benefits of Spring compared with Struts and other solutions are:

1. Spring is a much more complete application framework providing persistence infrastructure, AOP, lightweight container, etc. in addition to web MVC. 2. Spring is non-invasive and is a "pick-and-choose" framework. It provides just about everything most people need, but you only have to learn about and use the things YOU need/want. 3. Spring is the right solution for those among us who are tired of being their own integrator. With Spring, the infrastructure is already integrated and so this is a significant time saver for many projects. 4. Spring is a first-principles design framework. It was very carefully and very elegantly designed from the ground up by Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller. If you are even a little bit careful, these ideas will permeate your own application. And these are great ideas. So when you build a Spring application correctly you end up with something that is an intrinsically better and therefore more long-lasting and flexible piece of software.

craig vanderborgh

(4) Tapestry: even weirder than Webwork, and you don't get to use JSPs, you have to write your HTML like ColdFusion

(5) JSF: obviously the dog's gonads

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