<hermod.opstvedt <at> dnbnor.no> writes:

> Hi
> 1. implement the validation method on your ActionForm
> 2. Check if a particular button was pressed (give your button a name via
> the "property" property). Use request.getParameter("the name of the
> button").
> 3. If they do not match, call super.validate()
> Hermod

Hello Hermod,

perfect! Thanks for this tip, I implemented my form's validate() method as 
described above, and the validation is now skipped if BACK or CANCEL is pressed.

I know that this approach mixes the concept of Model vs. Controller, but as 
long as there is no declarative way to specify that a form should only be 
validated under certain circumstances, this seems to be the only possibility to 
skip validation.

Thanks for your help and regards,

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