How to stop action getting called on click of refresh button

2009-01-30 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
Hi, Can I stop the calling of action on click of refresh button as on this action it will generate a report at some specified location. So on every refresh click will generate a new report at that location which is unacceptable. So is there any way to stop calling the action/ have one flag on

problem in writing scope=session in actionMappingDefination

2006-09-04 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
Hi All, I wanted to know what are the drawbacks of using SCOPE= session in place of request in actionMappingDefination action name=formName type=ActionName validate=false parameter=action scope=request path=/xyz/abc Is it all depend upon our requirement or it is good practice to use

check box should behaves as radio button

2006-08-16 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
Hi, Thanks to all for helping me in Struts problem here now i got stucked in one problem Here i need to show check box in UI but this must behaves like Radio button so how to do that i wrote java script to do that but it is not working perfectly please help me out Thanks in advance Shakti

Re: two form one jsp

2006-08-02 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
hi , The problem in using document.form[0]. and document.form[1] for first and second form respctively first form comes from Header.jsp and second form from myFoo.jsp and Header is there through out Application and the functionality that is part of Header that I need to write in myFoo.jsp there

Re: two form one jsp

2006-08-02 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
Hi All n Kalpesh, Here I can use seperate formBean but this may not be good practice... actually somebody suggested me to pass the form object as parameter in function while calling java script like script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript function fooBar( form){

two form one jsp

2006-07-31 Thread Parvat Singh Ranawat
Hi all, I'm attempting to create a JSP that is made up of two forms. Each form needs a same form bean and is processed by a same action. The catch is that the one form comes from Header (This will be there for all the pages as part of left panel ) and second is coming from my jsp and