Re: urls and iterations

2010-10-05 Thread Piotr Kopeć
Thank kou Kou There's still more to learn for me As I guess there isn't any mechanism for declaration/evaluation, eg: s:url var='showUrl' action='show' evalLater='true' s:param name='id' value='%{id}/ /s:url s:iterator value='items' s:property value='id' /br/ s:property

urls and iterations

2010-10-04 Thread Piotr Kopeć
Hi to everyone I've got table liki this like this table class=threads s:iterator value=threads tr tds:property value=id //td s:url var=show_url action=showThread escapeAmp=false s:param name=threadId value=%{id} //s:url tds:a href=%{show_url} show/s:a/td /tr /s:iterator