Check out:

It seems that pageContext is a jsp-only context. 

You should bind the object to either request or session context, and then use a 
<bean:define> tag to pull the object out of the request/session and put it into the 

<bean:define id="login" name="login_username" scope="request"/>
<c:if test="${ login == null.....

Google for bean:define to learn more. 

 - Kashif Q.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ricky Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: what should i do to set the session in the pageContext in a Action class?

hi, thanks for reading..

i have a problem about set the seesion(pageContext) in
the action class.. 

i know that set the seesion in the request, just like 

and in the JSP page, we can use the code to get the


but, i want to use the pageContext to set the session
so as to load the attribute in JSTL 

<c:if test="${....}}">...</c:if>

if i use <c:if test="${session.login_username ==
null}">...</c:if>  it can't work...

because there isn't login_username in the session

if i use <c:if
== null}">..</c:if>

it still cause a error....syntax error...

i know in the custom taglib, we can use the the

 pageContext.setAttribute(String,Object,scope) the
scope can set to "session"

and in the JSP page, we can use the JSTL to get the

but in the Action class , there isn't pageContext
object to set the session in the pageContext, just has
the request to set pageContext, what should i do to
set the session in the pageContext?

please help me....thanks! 

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